Restoring deleted files on mobile hard drives

Here is how to restore deleted files on your mobile storage devices such as mobile hard drives or disk-on-key devices:

Your operating system uses a part of the storage space on every drive for the recycle bin. Unless disabled (it’s enabled by default) it does the same for mobile devices.

1. Open Windows explorer (shortcut “windows key”+”e”) and go to Tools-> Folder options.

2. Press the “view” tab and under “Hidden files and folders” select “Show hidden files and folders”.

3. Uncheck (clear) the box next to “Hide protected operating system files”, even though it is “recommended”.

Now when exploring the root directory of your mobile drive you will notice a directory called “RECYCLER”.

Browse the different directories it contains and find your deleted files (according to the capacity of the recycle bin and the empty space on your drive).

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